Saturday, April 30, 2005

Seeing old friends!

Packing up to get home.
Originally uploaded by kristengraves.
As you can see, packing up my car and heading halfway across the country was no small task. It has, however, been fun. Playing shows in my hometown of Green Bay is always the best because I get to see people that I have missed (Mary and Laura are back from Europe!) and meet more cool people through friends. I always enjoy hanging out with my family, and I have been getting a lot of work done.

Starting my new business is going well, and I'm thinking about becoming a teacher as well - of voice and piano of course. So all of the important things in my life include music in some form! You can check out my new songwriting website at: Not gonna lie, it is very pretty. For my other passion, please check out This is how I spend all of my free time.