Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Tour 2010 - Day 3: Burton, OH

I had a great day yesterday (as you saw from my Amish video). I really love driving through country roads, and that's what I got to do. Lucky for me, that's what a lot of this tour is...good thing I enjoy it!

Anyway, I shared the show last night with my friend Tom Evanchuck and had a great time!

We played at Coffee Corners , which is in Burton's downtown. At the end of the night, we even shared a few songs...just messing around. I wanted to post this next photo's hilarious. Don't I look annoyed at Tom?

Me looking annoyed.'s the video recap, and some songs!

As I mentioned. I stayed in an old farm house last night. I didn't take a picture of the house, but I did take a picture of the front was too beautiful not to!


See you tonight in Chicago with Mark Brink and Liza Day at Uncommon Ground!

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